How Do You Say Binoculars In Spanish

Under present circumstances I don’t plan to return to my country. ° por hoy for the presentPor hoy lo dejaremos pasar. We’ll let it go for the present. De las seis.They won’t return until after six. —Hasta mañana.Until tomorrow.orSee you tomorrow. ▲ as far asFueron hasta la última calle del pueblo.They went as far as the last street in town. ° hasta aquí so farHasta aquí todo está bien.Up to now everything is fine.

▲ likingEso ne es de mi gusto.That’s not to my liking. ° a gusto comfortable¿Esta Ud. ° con mucho gusto gladly, willingly, with much pleasureLo haré con mucho gusto.I shall do it gladly. ° dar gusto a to pleaseMi deseo es darles gusto a Uds.My wish is to please you.

  • ▲ to collectReunieron mucho dinero en la función benéfica.They collected a lot of money at the benefit.
  • Acuerdo agreementLlegaron a un acuerdo.
  • Tal vez,quizásandquizá mean “maybe,” “perhaps” and “possibly,” respectively.
  • Cariño affection, loveLe tienen mucho cariño.They’re very keen on him.
  • El pliego de solicitud.Complete the application.

What year of medical school are you currently in? —El

° tropel de caballos herd of horses. Sostener to holdSostenía la botella en la mano.He held the bottle

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