How to Choose the Right Temple Length for Kids’ Glasses


When it comes to buying glasses for kids, one of the most important factors to consider is the temple length. The temple is the part of the glasses that extends from the frame and wraps around the ear. Choosing the right temple length ensures a comfortable fit and can prevent the glasses from slipping off.

Different Temple Lengths

Temple lengths for glasses typically range from 120mm to 150mm. It’s important to note that not all glasses will fit all kids as their head sizes vary. Manufacturers design glasses with different temple lengths to cater to the needs of different individuals. As such, understanding your child’s head size is essential in selecting the glasses that fit them perfectly.

Measuring for Temple Length

To determine the correct temple length for your child, you need to measure the distance from the end of their ear to the mid-back of their head. Commonly, manufacturers use the 3-point system, which involves taking several measurements that include:

  • The ear-to-temple distance
  • The temple-to-temple distance
  • The temple-to-back-of-the-head distance

Choosing the Right Temple Length

Once you have the measurements, consider the following when choosing the right temple length:

  • Temple length should be long enough to wrap around the ear and fit comfortably, but not so long as to cause discomfort or put excessive pressure on the head.
  • The temple should be positioned correctly so that the glasses remain in place and do not shift position.
  • It’s important to note that a poorly fitting temple can result in headaches, nausea, and fatigue.

Testing for Optimal Fit

Before purchasing glasses, it’s a good idea to test for fit to ensure that the temple length is appropriate. This can be done by placing the glasses on your child’s face and checking for the following:

  • The temple length should be comfortable and not cause any discomfort or pressure behind the ear.
  • The glasses should remain in place when your child moves their head around.
  • The glasses should not be too tight or too loose.


Choosing the right temple length for kids’ glasses is crucial for ensuring the glasses fit properly and comfortably. Measuring your child’s head and testing for fit can help you avoid headaches, nausea, and fatigue. By considering the factors discussed, you’ll be able to select glasses that your child will love to wear and that will help improve their vision.

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