Ophthalmic Endoscope

seen in the pars plana treated areas. In rabbits treated in the pars plana, similar effects were seen at 2 weeks with destruction of the ciliary epithelium and pigment dispersion.

traditional method in which the ciliary body is frozen , transcleral cyclophotocoagulation, and endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation. Surgical need, operator experience, imaging improvements, and availability are expected to guide increasing use. Although the literature on endoscopy is currently limited, its widely applied uses pave the way for future studies examining its benefits and indications as a surgical technique. Later on, the field may benefit further from 23-gauge endoscopic probes, which may also end up being an effective vehicle for retinal vascular cannulation or for delivering cells or therapeutic agents subretinally.

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Occasionally, surgery could be deemed futile and therefore avoided. Endoscopy is also an effective method for visualizing and manipulating anterior structures such as the posterior iris surface, ciliary bodies, pars plana, ora serrata and peripheral retina. To this end, variable planes of visualization can facilitate anterior vitrectomy, membrane peeling and sclerotomy placement, and in addition enhance diagnostic visualization.

  • The trend is moving away from external filtration surgery as a result of increased odds of aqueous misdirection , choroidal effusions, and shallow anterior chambers.
  • Exploring the posterior pole is learned more quickly due to its distinct landmarks and intuitive maneuvering, while the reverse orientation while viewing anteriorly could cause disorientation.
  • FULLER VIEW. Endoscopic view of the ciliary processes and a sclerotomy site with the trocar cannula.

Sonoda et al. described a novel usage of endoscopy wherein the endoscope was used to drain subretinal fluid from the peripheral primary break. This avoided the necessity of earning a posterior drainage retinotomy and in addition circumvented the issue in visualizing the peripherally located breaks by conventional microscope examination. Kita et al. conducted a study to demonstrate the efficacy of endoscope-assisted PPV in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment where no retinal breaks were detected preoperatively. In their group of 20 eyes, in 19 eyes, retinal breaks were noted on the table with the help of the endoscope. The authors proposed the advantages of an endoscopic approach to be able to observe the peripheral retina, vitreous base, and pars plana without excessive globe manipulation or indentation.

Indication: Anterior Segment Opacities

In our study, the early complications of ECP and endoscope assisted PRP were uveitis (24%), and hyphema (16%), that have been both resolved in the early postoperative period. The complication profiles were much like that of another study regarding anterior approach ECP, and included hypotony or choroidal effusion (4%), fibrinous uveitis (24%), hyphema (12%), and cystoid macular edema (10%). Inside our study, late complications included hypotony and phthisis bulbi, which occurred through the late postoperative period in two patients (8%). Similarly, in tests by Tan et al. (pars plana ECP, received 300 to 330-degree ciliary ablation) and Marra et al. (pars plana ECP, received 360-degree ciliary ablation), both had an 8% complication rate for prolong hypotony. These results indicate that the combined procedure, ECP and endoscope assisted PRP, offer equal safety to that of the anterior approach ECP and pars plana ECP. Another current and popular treatment for neovascularization regression involves the injection of anti-VEGF.

  • Flexible and sterilizable endoscopes are used in other surgical disciplines where larger diameter endoscopes accommodate channels for illumination, imaging, instrumentation, and tip-bending guide wires.
  • Here, we report on the efficacy and safety of CEaP in the treating neovascular glaucoma.
  • The endoscope helped identify the cleft and in addition allowed for the use of laser to the ciliary body surfaces.

Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation and pars plana ablation (ECP-plus) has been reported being an effective and safe treatment towards the relief of refractory glaucoma. ECP-plus has shown positive IOP controlling results, with no additional significant side effects compared to those produced by ECP. We have devised a combination therapy, known as Combined Endoscope assisted Procedures , which involves endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation and pars plana ablation (ECP-plus), coupled with endoscopic panretinal photocoagulation. Here, we report on the efficacy and safety of CEaP in the treating neovascular glaucoma. Procedures such as CCT and TSCPC can lower intraocular pressure in NVG by reducing aqueous humor formation, however they both carry a substantial risk of complications, including marked inflammation, hypotony and, phthisis.

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