What is the difference between computer glasses and blue light glasses?

What is the difference between computer glasses and blue light glasses?

What we perceive as white light shifts along a range of about 2,700K to 7,000K. Confusingly, warmer light has a lower color temperature than cooler light, with the almost fiery glow of tungsten hitting around 2,800K and overcast sunlight hitting about 6,000K. Computer monitors typically set white at a very cool temperature to emulate natural…

What is the difference between progressive lenses and regular lenses?

What is the difference between progressive lenses and regular lenses?

They also tend to have more convergence of both eyes in exactly the same reading distance. From progressive lenses, let’s now talk about Transition lenses. Here, we will explore the difference between progressive lenses and Transitions lenses. With this knowledge at hand, it will be possible to create a better, more educated decision when purchasing…

What is the difference between Ray-Ban polarized and nonpolarized?

What is the difference between Ray-Ban polarized and nonpolarized?

If conditions are simply just cloudy or overcast, a typical pair of non-polarized sunglasses ought to be sufficient to give your eyes that all-important UV protection. Reflective surfaces such as for example flat water, glass, snow, or smooth hardtops polarize natural sunlight, concentrating its waves in a single horizontal direction. The molecules coating polarized sunglasses…