Are Progressive Lenses Worth It

Are Progressive Lenses Worth It

We’ve noticed the patients who seem to generate the progressive leap the fastest & most complete are those who work in business office or desk environments. Progressives are exactly fitted to these setups, where we maneuver from looking up , to the computer screen (mid-distance, and reading documents from minute to minute. Get ophthalmologist-reviewed tips…

Are Trivex lenses worth it?

Are Trivex lenses worth it?

They are available mostly in grey or brown tint but many other colors are available. The anti-reflective coating decreases unwanted glare and halos at nighttime. It also makes the lenses appear somewhat invisible and very thin. Designed for everyday use, Phoenix offers eye safety and reassurance in our unpredictable lives. Phoenix lens material is elastic…

Are titanium frames worth it?

Are titanium frames worth it?

surprisingly lightweight, making them perfect for all types of prescription eyeglasses. Carbon fiber tubes are also designed to be strong in a particular direction. This strength is due to the direction of the fibers and the thickness of the material. It is found in most living organisms, soils and water. Ti is a material with…

Are Varilux lenses worth it?

Are Varilux lenses worth it?

With the standard exam distance set at 20 feet, which equals a vergence of +0.16D, the ultimate subjective lens choices could easily flip into an unhealthy over-plus situation for driving distance. Further, anything that compromises axial acuity will further degrade peripheral acuity by compounding the inherent peripheral blur of progressive lenses. Another significant good thing…

Are thinner lenses worth it?

Are thinner lenses worth it?

Before you get one, though, make sure you contact your eye doctor first. Regular eyeglasses for nearsightedness have limited options for frames due to thicker edge. But with the thinner high-index lenses, you can wear an eyeglass that corrects your eyesight with more frames to pick from. The main benefit of this sort of eyeglass…

Are UV contact lenses worth it?

Are UV contact lenses worth it?

Convenient – Transitional lenses are very convenient because they save from having to take with you two pairs of glasses and having to switch between them to meet different needs. With transitional lenses, it is possible to wear sunglasses while driving and still be able to read important street signs. Sunglasses, particularly those with polycarbonate…