What does polarization mean in chemistry?

The electrons are located in the vast parts of space surrounding the nucleus, known as the electron shells or the electron clouds. Relative to the protons of the nucleus, these electrons are loosely bound. In conducting objects, they’re so loosely bound they could be induced into moving in one portion of the object to another portion of the object. To get an electron in a conducting object to obtain up and go, all that must be done is to place a charged object nearby the conducting object. Electric polarizability may be the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field.

A parameter is used to expressed the polarizing power of cation is known as ionic potential . Now, it has been experimentally found that, cation with smaller size or with high positive charge have its high polarizing power.

Manipulating Polarization

Electronic polarization removes the existing speed barrier as a result of use of lithium niobate in fiberoptic modulators.

Being present within a conducting material, the electrons are absolve to move from atom to atom. As such, there is a mass migration of electrons from the balloon’s side of the aluminum can towards the contrary side of the can. This electron movement leaves atoms on the balloon’s side of the can with a shortage of electrons; they become positively charged. And the atoms on the side opposite of the might have an excessive amount of electrons; they become negatively charged. Both sides of the aluminum pop can have opposite charges.

Dielectric Constant


  • It has the aftereffect of decreasing the output voltage of batteries, and increasing the voltage required for electrolysis cells or lowering currents.

The coating of an electrode with a thick layer of hydrogen bubbles, with the result that the flow of current is weakened or arrested. Hence covalent character of these concerned compounds slowly decrease from top to bottom , that is from Be to Mg to Ca. For instance, the order of ionic potential (‘ф’) value of group-II elements, such as for example Be , Mg and Ca are decrease throughout.

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