What is the ciliary muscle?

Shows the MS/MS spectra of peptide TEAPSATGQASSLLGGR from collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1 C. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License unless otherwise noted; All rights reserved on Board Review content.

The ciliary body may be the major target of drugs against glaucoma as its inhibition leads to a drop in intraocular pressure. A molecular study of the ciliary body could provide a better understanding concerning the pathophysiological processes that occur in glaucoma. So far, no large-scale proteomic investigation has been reported for the human ciliary body. Using serial sections performed in sagittal, transversal, and frontal planes through the ciliary body, it could be seen that the nerve fibers formed a net-like structure with a circumferential orientation. These findings were confirmed by wholemount preparations that were carefully freed from the ciliary processes to expose the inner aspect of the connective tissue layer. In these preparations, at places, smaller and larger basket-like networks were seen within this circumferentially arranged calretinin-IR net.

Comparison Of The Ciliary Body Proteome With Aqueous Humor And Plasma Proteomes

In severe trauma cases, the ciliary body can separate from the circular fibers of the ciliary muscles. The ciliary body also produces an obvious fluid called aqueous humor, which flows between the lens and cornea, providing nutrients and adding to the fullness and shape of the eye.

  • The source of the proteins may very well be the aqueous humor rather than the plasma, as the lens, where they are abundant is an avascular structure receiving all its nutrient supply from the aqueous humor.
  • The inner non-pigmented epithelial layer is in direct contact with the aqueous .
  • The tips of the ciliary processes were also cut off with utmost caution to

The contact between nerve terminal and connective tissue fibers is an extremely characteristic feature of mechanosensors, as it is required to gauge the tone of the extracellular fibers. The mechanosensors of the scleral spur may become proprioreceptive tendon organs for the ciliary muscle, or modulate the tone of the scleral spur cells. Alternatively, scleral spur mechanosensors could perform baroreceptor-like function in reaction to changes in IOP. Indeed, physiological studies indicate that such sensors might exist, as sensory discharges have been recorded in experimental animals in response to changes in IOP. The ciliary muscle is unique among all parasympathetically dominated smooth muscles within the body because it has lots of the ultrastructural, histochemical, and efferent innervational characteristics of an easy striated muscle. Indeed, accommodation requires excellent central visual resolution, rapid distance/near adjustment of focus, and strong tracking and image stabilization. In angle-closure glaucoma, the iris presses contrary to the meshwork and inhibits drainage of the aqueous humor out of the anterior chamber of the attention.

Clinical Significance

However, as a way to focus on a close object, the inner structures of the eye must adapt, which is possible through the process of accommodation. In accordance with Hermann von Helmholtz’s theory, the circular ciliary muscle fibers affect zonular fibers in the attention , enabling changes in lens shape for light focusing. When the ciliary muscle contracts, it pulls itself forward and moves the frontal region toward the axis of the eye. This release of tension of the zonular fibers causes the lens to become more spherical, adapting to short range focus. The other way around, relaxation of the ciliary muscle causes the zonular fibers to become taut, flattening the lens, increasing the focal distance, increasing long range focus. Although Helmholtz’s theory has been widely accepted since 1855, its mechanism still remains controversial.

  • Both forms of glaucoma are treated with muscarinic receptor agonists that cause the contraction of ciliary muscle leading to the opening of the trabecular meshwork.
  • Visualization of the accommodating ciliary body in monkeys after surgical iridectomy and midbrain implantation of a stimulating electrode 51–53 has confirmed the large amplitude of the forward and inward movement, especially in young animals.
  • These protrusions, or folds, contain blood capillaries that secrete aqueous humor.
  • This release of tension of the zonular fibers causes the lens to become more spherical, adapting to short range focus.
  • The info from our study is likely to serve as a baseline for future studies aimed at studying ophthalmic disorders such as for example glaucoma, uveitis and presbyopia.

While the greater part of the eyeball is concerned in the focusing of light, the crystalline lens, operated by the ciliary muscle, serves as the special instrument of accommodation. To flatten the lens, the ciliary muscle relaxes, the elastic force of the eyeball resumes its tension on the suspensory ligament, and the membranous capsule resumes its strain on the sides of the lens. The contraction of the ciliary muscle can result in relief in both open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma, rendering it a target for drugs like pilocarpine.


Utilizing the antibodies for the neuronal marker NCAM, immunoreactive neurons and their dendritic processes were clearly visible. Tangential section through the anterior part of the ciliary muscle showing the ciliary muscle tips and the trabecular meshwork , immunolabeled for calretinin . Only single calretinin fibers have emerged within the TM, whereas at the muscle tips no stained fibers have emerged. Sagittal semithin section (1 μm) through the anterior ciliary muscle tips (Richardson’s stain). The large ovoid structure within the ciliary muscle tips close to their tendinous insertion in to the connective tissue of the trabecular meshwork stains immunohistochemically for neurofilaments and synaptophysin . The structure resembles a mechanoreceptor because it is filled up with numerous vesicles, mitochondria, and neurofilaments and is surrounded by way of a basement membrane that’s in touch with the sheath

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