What is the etymology of pedantic?

However, in the event that you say someone is pedantic, you will know they’re “fussy” about certain things. “Inappropriate display of knowledge” probably has many words. The ones that spring to my mind are far less “polished” eg. Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app. Mere jingo self-contentment is commonest the type of who’ve some pedantic reason behind their patriotism. Of course this is a rather pedantic definition as this clearly will not represent an ob ject of common mathematical interest. Do not be bullied out of your common sense by the specialist; two to one, he is a pedant.

often edited as well that i appreciate usually on some level, but may i say nothing gives me just as much joy on earth perhaps as when an editor incorrectly edits something of mine? Holy crap it’s a sense of snobbish superiority unlike any other and I revel in it. Which explains why I don’t draw attention to my own edits… in the event. Writers, understandably, don’t want grammar and spelling errors to be attributed to themselves.

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According to Dictionary.com along with other English dictionaries just like the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the word pedantic can be an adjective which you can use to describe somebody who is hyper-concerned with minute details. The definition of pedantic is somebody who is very worried about the details of a topic and tends to overly show off their knowledge.
I’m confident this post is the first time I’m seeing sic in parentheses rather than square brackets. Not attempting to be pedantic concerning this — I certainly wouldn’t sic your parentheses! I’ve thought, until now, that the word meant ‘spelling is correct’, found in the context of quoting or essentially quoting the use of a word, with a specific spelling, by somebody else.

Other languages respect the actual fact a Pedant knows his thing, and whereas strict and obsessive about details, he’s got the right to his importance, in the proportion he is observant of the rules. This is why in most languages this is the neutral term, it speaks of great attention to detail, that will be annoying to some, but is of great use if you are a safety auditor, or perhaps a mechanic, or law maker, or a security software programmer. The word “pedantic” is frequently found in English to mean narrow-minded or someone with “tunnel vision” who is obsessed with their small, plodding concerns and who won’t see the broader picture. Certainly up to enough time of Gericault painting in general held itself rather pedantically aloof from poetry. In the broadest sense, didactic identifies slipping a larger underlying moral lesson into a conversation or topic, while someone or something that is pedantic zeroes in on facts without taking into consideration the bigger picture. There’s also another meaning that’s a lot less loaded.
So any writer “sneering” may have to eat those words some day; which usually doesn’t hurt too much. Despite the fact that I now understand sic, I don’t think I’ll really be using it that much myself when quoting others. Even if I do consider myself a grammar Nazi in terms of basic grammar.

Information Block Concerning The Term

‘Tis sufficiently for a servant to be bred at an University. But the education is really a little too pedantic for a gentleman. My post on the word paralipsis came about because of my describing someone as being paraliptic. Someone explained, authoritatively, that I was in error and that paraliptic was not a word.

  • In Russian the word has some negative connotations but not in the least does it correspond to the meaning in Spanish.
  • EASILY knew what ironic was I’d probably say something similar to that but my only notion of this word is an Alanis Morissette song from the 90’s I’ve been told is fairly sophistical.
  • What about the punctuation that encloses sic?
  • I would explain that female pedants exist, but he’d probably say I had been anal.
  • He was

Or if he insists that paperwork must be completed exactly in accordance with p63 of the Finance Dept manual, he might again be described as “pedantic”. Thus if someone queries a very bit on an invoice, and insists that someone learn why it’s there, he might well be described as “pedantic”. In Spanish it has some negative connotations obviously but this is the case with words; there is some slight variation not so much in meaning as in the connotations of the word. Among men who are men, as distinct from pedantic popinjays, you go for nothing. It is their instinct to flower in spring, of course, but they aren’t pedantic about it in the least. Not that this diction is in any respect affected or pedantic.
And I’m not that sophisticated so there you have it… Anyway I really do at times have to write a quote and what I do in these situations I find to be highly unethical bordering on libelous and criminal and I would recommend it to everyone. If someone calls me from it I say I accidentally corrected it. Makes life easier for everyone and no one ever calls you from it. I’m

Entries Linking To Pedantic

Slang dicts probably have a great deal to say about the nose. Then there is Gogol’s short story, and Cyrano; and prominent in portraiture too, the nose. Re sic as available to interpretation — yes, since language isn`t mathematics, it usually is open in every sorts of ways. Never have I been more amused than when I see the frequent splattering of “sics” in the Daily Mail, probably the most ungrammatical and ill-spelt newspaper of all time. The academic world of universities may also be known as academe. Academic — Academic is used to describe things that relate to the task done in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning instead of practical or technical skills. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere within “mom” and “screwdriver”.
picture. Other synonyms for these words may have a neutral meaning, but these imply a negative sort of formality. Both words relate with teaching, but didactic teaches a lesson and pedantic just shows off the facts. Although Freud’s theories on early childhood have been influential on the psychological community, research shows that the entire pattern of parental attitudes has a much more concrete influence on how an infant will grow up. There is no conclusive research linking anal stage conflicts with “anal” personality types.

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